SE Forida Red Tide Closure History

This is a run down of some of the actions via Executive Order and in FWC meetings concerning shutting down public access for take of Red Drum, Spotted Seatrout and Snook in SW Florida

Compelling Event Red Tide impacts SW Fl Nov 2017 – Feb 2019 While it was a long lasting red tide it was spotty.

6/30/2018 EO 18-38 Aug 30 2018 May 10 2018 Snook and Red Drum catch and release only. Executive Order Copy Boundary Map

7/26/2018 EO 18-45 Expand closure boundary and dates September 28, 2018 – May l 0, 2019 Executive Order Copy

2/20/2019 FWC Meeting – Executive director report

Available on the Florida Channel Starts at 47:36

Red tide has subsided and is currently only detected at background levels statewide. He mentioned the existing FWC EO that made red drum and snook catch-and-release only in Southwest Florida until May 10, 2019 and noted that this did not include any restrictions on seatrout. Based on stakeholder concerns about impacts to seatrout and the timing of the spawning period, he suggested doing an EO to modify seatrout regulations to remove the allowance for recreational harvest of one seatrout over 20 inches in this same area until after the next Commission meeting in May. Commissioners noted support for this recommendation.

2/20/2019 EO 19-06 2/22/19-5/10/19 Trout over 20” closure Pasco – Collier Executive Order Copy

5/1/2019 FWC meeting -Item 4 Staff Report – Red Drum, Snook and Seatrout: Southwest Florida Update

Available on the Florida Channel Starts at 45:12

Staff agrees to have updated recommendation for snook by March, Eric mentioned people not wanting to open it during the freeze and how much they fought even after recovered.

Item 5(A) – Draft Rule – Spotted Seatrout. Management of Florida’s spotted

Available on the Florida Channel Starts at 1:10:02

5/1/2019  EO 19-14 Extend closure and include all trout May 11 2019 – May 31 2020 Executive Order Copy

10/2/2019 FWC meeting – Item 4(B) – Draft Rule – Spotted Seatrout.

Available on the Florida Channel Starts at 39:26  

12/12/2019 FWC meeting – Item 11(B) Final Rule – Spotted Seatrout.

Available on the Florida Channel Starts at 31:25

Pass on trout new slot, bag limits, no captain bag limit and only 1 big fish per boat

2/19/20 FWC meeting – Item 5(E) Snook Redfish and Trout update

Available on the Florida Channel Starts at 53:20

2/19/20 EO 20-05 Extend closure of Trout Redfish and Snook from June 1 2020 – May 31 2021 Executive Order Copy

2/1/2021 FWC creates memo to commissioners with the recommendation to rescind the EO on the snook trout and redfish closures due to the data showing no long-term impact. View Original Memo

2/1/2021 FWC Executive Director Eric Sutton and Jim Estes meet with guides at Gator Jims.  Captain Ray Markham set up the participants.  Eric was clear on fact that they were going to recommend rescinding the order based on the data.  Capatains were very much against opening it back up.  Pleaded for additional restrictions and closures.  Recreational fishermen would be thankful if they got anything back.  Attended Ray Markham, Jason Prieto, Mike Anderson, Richard Seward, Tim Whitfield, Dave Markett, Steve Betz, Jim Lemke, Rob Gorta

2/2/2021 I requested location information so that I may attend the other two meetings. Never received a response from Jim Estes so I was unable to observe the next two meetings.

2/2/2021 FWC Executive Director Eric Sutton and Jim Estes meet with guides at Pineland Marina 3pm.  Captain Chriss Whittman set up the participants. Jim also recalled Rhett Morris was present. 

2/3/2021 FWC Executive Director Eric Sutton and Jim Estes meet with guides at private residence of Jonathan Walker.  Captain Scotty Moore set up the participants. List of attendees provided: Todd Romine, Jeffri Durrance, Rick Grassett, Todd Walker, Jason Stock, Danny Stasny, Carson Stipcich, Brian Marcey , Scott Mooda, Tom Stephens Jr., Justin Moore, Jonnie Walker, Trey Dietz

2/5/2021 On FWC commission agenda the memo stating that staff recommends rescinding the EO is published.  May have been sooner.

2/12/2021 Jim indicated that staff was changing positions and they removed the memo from the commission agenda.  Now were going to do what the guides had been requesting.

2/17/2021 FWC creates new memo about wanting to draw plan up for soft opening options.  FWC sends out email to anglers about their opinions on how to do opening. Memo and presentation not put on agenda until 2/19/2021 when it is the last day for online comments about the plan New Memo

Present FWC FWRI has had 24 months of net sampling with no red tide beyond minimal levels. All data indicating that we have no scientific issue with the number of fish as per the management goal. Burden of proof of any thing other than special interest lobbying should be high. The following is the data up until the end of 2020. This is the data they do not show. Time to submit public comment on the upcoming FWC Commission meeting has passed but you can still email the commissioners at

Data sampling done by FWC’s FWRI 2017 – 2020

2/26/2020 FWC Commission Meeting Item 9(A) Staff Reports – Southwest Red Tide Update: Snook, Redfish and Spotted Seatrout After staff presentation on the item there will be a period of 1 hour for public comment. During that them people can call in to 1800-832-0736 and put in room number1594848# Follow the instructions to hit *# to request to speak. Staff Briefing to Commissioners Staff Presentation

If FWC Staff and Commission fails to rescind the EO after all the scientific data collected by the agency then the citizens of the State should reach out to their elected officials including the Governor who appoint the FWC commissioners. Email the Governor at The Governor only won the last election by 32,463 votes and that is way less than the number of Floridians that do not have access to the resource being held in public trust. The Governors office can also be reached via telephone at (850) 717-9337